Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The LIfe of an Oyster....

Have you ever been oyster shucking before?  I did this about twelve years ago and I found a pearl in the oyster!  The guide who was helping us shuck the oysters explained to me how the pearl was formed and so today I will share with you, the information that was given to me.  A spec of sand gets into the oyster and it causes irritation, while causing irritation the oyster tries to protect itself and while it protects itself against the irritant the pearl is then formed.  Here’s a really interesting question to think about for a minute….without the sand could the pearl be formed?  No, it’s impossible.  However; the oyster is already equipped with all the inner properties to create the pearl the only thing that was needed was the sand to reveal it.

The oyster reminds me of certain relationships that we have.  We all have some people in our lives that may cause us irritation, its normal! It happens to every one of us.  However; does that person really cause you irritation? Or do they just reveal what’s really inside of you?  I’ll let you reflect for a moment on that… Sometimes, it feels like the people who are the most near and dear to us receive the brunt of our irritations…actually it may feel like that they are our source of aggravation.  But, in actuality these people do not cause you to be the way you are (agitated, moody, impatient, whatever it may be) no, they reveal who you really are deep down inside. 

I’m going to be candid and say that I am an impatient person, and sometimes I feel that certain people cause me to be impatient. However; after evaluating myself, I now know that I am this way because I lack discipline in this area.  Therefore; it’s my job daily to pray and ask God for help and be mindful of my behaviors.  In Proverbs 29:11 is says “Fools give full vent to their rage. But the wise bring calm in the end.” I feel that this scripture is very insightful it goes straight to my heart.  What I like best about this passage is that it holds us accountable for our own actions. Essentially we are making our own choices on how to react to our circumstances.   

Friends, sometimes we may feel that if our circumstances were different, we wouldn't be the way that we are.  But it’s quite the contrary….Each and every one of us is equipped with the ability to act accordingly in any situation.  But we have to be bold enough, to be able to make the right decisions to become a better person from our hardships.  Do not let adversity define who you are.  Instead let the hardships cultivate you and help you become refined just as the sand does with the oyster. Let it help you become a pearl. 

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