Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

I get asked a lot how did I lose so much weight?  The answer that I give is always the same.  Diet change and I added exercise.  Different types of exercise too.  I found that changing my body was much more monumental in my life that I could have ever imagined,  It took me not only on a new physical journey, but it took my on a journey to gaining confidence and a strong spiritual life as well.  Change is hard, with change your not comfortable, your always uncomfortable.  However; it's well worth it.  We only have one body, one mind one spirit, and we need to take care of all three equally.

 As a parent I want more than anything to teach my kids that they are worth taking care of.  That they shouldn't put themselves on the back burner. I want to teach them that in order to take care of others well they need to care for themselves first.  Physically, emotionally and spiritually .

You are worth it. Take care of you.  If your still here on this earth still breathing you are needed for something.

Happy Tuesday!

75 lbs down and counting! 

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